Computational mechanics of
structures and materials

Preprints of my articles can be found at my researchgate page.
Books (1):
1. V.P. Nguyen, A. de Vaucorbeil and S. Bordas. Material Point Method: Theory, Implementation, Applications. Springer, 2023. link
Book chapters (3):
V.P. Nguyen and S. Bordas. Extended Isogeometric Analysis for Strong and Weak Discontinuities, pages: 21-120. In G. Beer and S. Bordas, editors, Isogeometric Analysis for Numerical Simulation, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Springer, 2015. link
J. Y. Wu, V.P. Nguyen, C.T. Chi, D. Sutulas, S. Sinaie and S. Bordas. Phase field modelling of fracture, Advances in Applied Mechanics, Chapter 1, Volume 53 . link
A. de Vaucorbeail, V.P. Nguyen, S. Sinaie and J. Y. Wu. Material point method after 25 years: theory, implementation, applications, Advances in Applied Mechanics, Chapter 2, Volume 53 . link
International peer reviewed articles (58):
J.Y. Wu, Y. Huang, V.P .Nguyen and T.K. Mandal 2022.Crack nucleation and propagation in the phase-field cohesive zone model with application to Hertzian indentation fracture. International Journal of Solids and Structures. link.
A. de Vaucorbeil, V.P. Nguyen and T.K. Mandal 2021. Mesh objective simulations of large strain ductile fracture: A new nonlocal Johnson-Cook damage formulation for the Total Lagrangian Material Point Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link.
T. K. Mandal, V. P. Nguyen and J. Y. Wu 2021. On a new high order phase field model for brittle and cohesive fracture: numerical efficiency, length scale convergence and crack kinking. Computational Materials Science. link.
A. de Vaucorbeil, V. P. Nguyen, C. R. Hutchinson and M.R. Barnett 2021. Total Lagrangian Material Point Method simulation of the scratching of high purity coppers. International Journal of Solids and Structures. link.
J. Yang, H. Lian, V.P. Nguyen. Study of mixed mode I/II cohesive zone models of different rank coals 2021. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. link
T Mandal, VP Nguyen, C Wu, Jian-Ying, Nguyen-Thanh, A de Vaucorbeil 2021. Fracture of thermo-elastic solids: Phase-field modeling and new results with an efficient monolithic solver. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 376 (113648) link.
A. de Vaucorbeil, V. P. Nguyen and C. Nguyen-Thanh 2020. Karamelo: an open source parallel C++ package for the material point method. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2020. link.
J.Y. Wu, Y. Huang, H. Zhou and V.P .Nguyen, 2020. Three-dimensional phase-field modeling of mode I + II/III failure in solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link
V.P. Nguyen, A. de Vaucorbeil, C.T. Nguyen, T.K. Mandal 2020. A generalized particle in cell method for explicit solid dynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link
C.T, Nguyen, V.P. Nguyen, A. de Vaucorbeil, J.Y Wu and T.K. Mandal 2020. Jive: an open source, research-oriented C++ library for solving partial differential equations, Advances in Engineering Software, 2020. link
A. de Vaucorbeil, V. P. Nguyen, 2020. Modelling contacts with a total Lagrangian material point method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link.
T. K. Mandal, V. P. Nguyen and J. Y. Wu, 2020. Comparative study of phase-field damage models for hydrogen assisted cracking. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. link
T. K. Mandal, V. P. Nguyen and J. Y. Wu, 2020. A length scale insensitive anisotropic phase field fracture model for hyperelastic composites, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. link
T. K. Mandal, V. P. Nguyen and J. Y. Wu, 2020. Evaluation of variational phase-field models for dynamic brittle fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. link.
T. K. Mandal, A. Gupta, V. P. Nguyen, R. Chowdhury and A, de Vaucorbeil 2020. A length scale insensitive phase field model for brittle fracture of hyperelastic solids. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. link.
J. Y. Wu, V. P. Nguyen, H Zhou and Y. Huang 2019. On the BFGS monolithic algorithm for the unified phase field damage theory. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link.
A. de Vaucorbeil, V. P. Nguyen and C. Hutchinson 2019. A Total-Lagrangian Material Point Method for solid mechanics problems involving large deformations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link.
H Allahyari, A Heidarpour, A Shayan, V. P. Nguyen 2019. A robust time-dependent model of alkali-silica reaction at different temperatures. Cement and Concrete Composites 106, 103460
J. Y. Wu, Y. Huang and V. P. Nguyen, H Zhou and Y. Huang 2019. A variationally consistent phase-field anisotropic damage model for fracture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. link.
J. Y. Wu, T. K. Mandal and V. P. Nguyen, 2019. A phase-field regularized cohesive zone model for hydrogen assisted cracking. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering . link.
Nguyen, N.-H., Nguyen, V. P., Wu, J.-Y., Le, T.-H.-H., Ding, Y., 2019. Mesh-based and meshfree reduced order phase-field models for brittle fracture: One dimensional problems. Materials 12, 1858. link
T. K. Mandal, V. P. Nguyen and J. Y. Wu, 2019. Length scale and mesh bias sensitivity of phase-field models for brittle and cohesive fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. link.
T. K. Mandal, V. P. Nguyen, and A. Heidarpour. Phase field and gradient enhanced damage models for quasi-brittle failure: a numerical comparative study. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018. link
J. Yang, H. Lian, W. Liang, V. P. Nguyen, Stéphane PA Bordas. Mode I cohesive zone models of different rank coals. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018. link
Y. Chen, H. Lian, W. Liang, J. Yang, V. P. Nguyen and S. Bordas. The influence of fracture geometry variation on non-Darcy flow in fractures under confining stresses. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 113: 59-71, 2018. link.
J. Y. Wu, J. F. Qiu, V. P. Nguyen, T. K. Mandal and L. J. Zhuang. Computational modeling of localized failure in solids: XFEM vs PF-CZM. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018. link.
V. P. Nguyen and J. Y. Wu. Modeling dynamic fracture of solids with a phase-field regularized cohesive zone model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018. link.
J. Y. Wu and V. P. Nguyen. A length scale insensitive phase-field damage model for brittle fracture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2018. link.
J. Yang, H. Lian, W. Liang, V. P. Nguyen and Y. Chen. Experimental investigation of the effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on fracture toughness of bituminous coals. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018. link.
S. Sinaie, T. D. Ngo, V.P. Nguyen and T. Rabczuk. Validation of the material point method for the simulation of thin-walled tubes under lateral comparison. Thin Walled Structures, 2018. link.
S. Sinaie, T. D. Ngo, and V.P. Nguyen. A discrete element model of concrete for cyclic loading. Computers & Structures, 2017. link.
B. Sobhaniaragh, V.P. Nguyen, W.J. Mansur, F.C. Peters. Pore pressure and stress coupling in closely-spaced hydraulic fracturing designs on adjacent horizontal wellbores. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2017. link.
Y. Chen, W. Liang, H. Lian, J. Yang, and V. P. Nguyen. Experimental study on the effect of fracture geometric characteristics on the permeability in deformable rough-walled fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2017. link.
V.P. Nguyen, H. Lian, S. Bordas and T. Rabzuk. Modelling hydraulic fractures in porous media using flow cohesive interface elements. Engineering Geology, 225:68--82, 2017. link
S. Sinai, V.P. Nguyen, C.T. Nguyen and S. Bordas. Programming the Material Point Method in Julia. Advances in Engineering Software,105: 17--29, 2017. link
V.P. Nguyen, C.T. Nguyen, T. Rabczuk and S. Natarajan. On a family of Convected Particle Domain Interpolations in the Material Point Method. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 126:50-64, 2016. link
V.P. Nguyen, C.T. Nguyen, S. Bordas, A. Heidarpour. Modelling interfacial cracking with non-matching cohesive interface elements. Computational Mechanics, 58: 731–746, 2016. link
V.P. Nguyen, G.D. Nguyen, C.T. Nguyen, L. Shen, D. dias da Costa, A. El-Zein, and F Maggi: Modelling complex cracks with finite elements: a kinematically enriched constitutive model. International Journal of Fracture, 2016.
V.P. Nguyen, C. Anitescu, S. Bordas and T. Rabczuk. Isogeometric analysis: An overview and computer implementation aspects. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 117:89-116, 2014. link
V.P. Nguyen. Discontinuous Galerkin/Extrinsic cohesive zone modeling: implementation caveats and applications in computational fracture mechanics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 128:37-68, 2014. link
V.P. Nguyen, P. Kerfriden, and S. Bordas. Two- and three-dimensional isogeometric cohesive elements for composite delamination analysis. Composites Part B: engineering, 60:193-212, 2014. link
V.P. Nguyen, P. Kerfriden, S.P.A. Bordas, and T. Rabczuk. Isogeometric analysis suitable trivariate NURBS representation of composite panels with a new offset algorithm. Computer Aided Design, 55:49-63, 2014. link
V.P. Nguyen, P. Kerfriden, M. Brino, S. Bordas, and E. Bonisoli. Nitsche's method for two and three dimensional NURBS patch coupling. Computational Mechanics, 53(6):1163-1182, 2014. link
V.P. Nguyen. An open source program to generate zero-thickness cohesive interface elements. Advances in Engineering Software, 74:27-39, 2014. link
H. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Hoang, and V.P. Nguyen. An isogeometric analysis for elliptic homogenization problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 67(9):1722-1741, 2014. link
H. Nguyen-Xuan, C. H. Thai, J. Bleyer, and V.P. Nguyen. Upper bound limit analysis of plates using a rotation-free isogeometric approach. Asia Pacific Journal on Computational Engineering, 1(12), 2014, doi:10.1186/s40540-014-0012-5. link
A. Karamnejad, V.P. Nguyen, and L.J. Sluys. A multi-scale rate dependent crack model for quasi-brittle heterogeneous materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 104:96-113, 2013. link
V.P. Nguyen and H. Nguyen-Xuan. High order B-splines based finite elements for the delamination analysis of laminated composites. Composite Structures, 102:261-275, 2013. link
V.P. Nguyen, O. Lloberas-Valls, M. Stroeven, and L. J. Sluys. Computational homogenization for multiscale crack modelling. Implementational and computational aspects. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89(2):192-226, 2012. link
V.P. Nguyen, M. Stroeven, and L. J. Sluys. An enhanced continuous-discontinuous multiscale method for modelling mode-I failure in random heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 79:78-102, 2012. link
V.P. Nguyen, M. Stroeven, and L. J. Sluys. Multiscale continuous and discontinuous modelling of heterogeneous materials: A review on recent developments. Journal of Multiscale Modelling, 3(4):1-42, 2012. link
V.P. Nguyen, M. Stroeven, and L. J. Sluys. Multiscale failure modelling of concrete: micromechanical modelling, discontinuous homogenization and parallel computations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 201-204:139-156, 2012. link
V.P. Nguyen, O. Lloberas-Valls, M. Stroeven, and L. J. Sluys. Homogenization-based multi- scale crack modelling: from micro-diffusive damage to macro-cracks. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200(9-12):1220-1236, 2011. link
S. Bordas, T. Rabczuk, H. Nguyen-Xuan, V.P. Nguyen, S. Natarajan, T. Bog, M.Q. Do, and H. Nguyen-Vinh. Strain smoothing in FEM and XFEM.Computers & Structures, 88(23-24):1419- 1443, 2010. link
V.P. Nguyen, O. Lloberas Valls, M. Stroeven, and L. J. Sluys. On the existence of representative volumes for softening quasi-brittle materials-A failure zone averaging scheme. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199(45-48):3028-3038, 2010. link
V.P. Nguyen, T. Rabczuk, S. Bordas, and M. Duflot. Meshless methods: A review and computer implementation aspects. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(3):763-813, 2008. link
S. Bordas, V.P. Nguyen, C. Dunant, A. Guidoum, and H. Nguyen-Dang. An extended finite element library. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71(6):703-732, 2007. link
C. Dunand, V.P. Nguyen, M. Belgasmia, S. Bordas, A. Guidoum, and H. Nguyen-Dang. Architecture trade-offs of integrating a mesh generator to partition of unity enriched object-oriented finite element software. European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Europeen de Mecanique Numerique, 16(2):237-258, 2007. link
Conference proceedings (8):
V.P. Nguyen, D. Sutulas, S. Bordas and Y. Lu . Computational modelling of multiple crack growth: a comparison between discrete and phase field models. 9th Australian Conference on Applied Mechanics, UNSW, Sydney, 2017. pdf
A. Karamnejad, V.P. Nguyen, and L.J. Sluys. Modeling concrete under high frequency loading using a multi-scale method. In N. Bicanic, H.A. Mang, R. de Borst, and G. Meschke, editors, Computational Modelling of Conrete Structures- EURO-C-2014, St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria, 2014. Taylor & Francis.
A. Karamnejad, V.P. Nguyen, and L.J. Sluys. A rate-dependent multi-scale crack model for concrete. In J.G.M. Van Mier, G. Ruiz, C. Andrade, R.C. Yu, and X.X. Zhang, editors, VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2013.
L. V. Tran, V.P. Nguyen, L.V. Hai, T. M. Thi, and H. Nguyen-Xuan. An assessment of limit loads of cracked structures using extended isogeometric analysis. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), Sapporro, Japan, 2013. The Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13).
A. Karamnejad, V.P. Nguyen, , and L.J. Sluys. A two-scale rate dependent crack model for quasi-brittle materials under dynamic loading. In Proceedings of the tenth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012.
V.P. Nguyen, M. Stroeven, and L.J. Sluys. Micromechanical modelling of concrete. In N. Bicanic, H.A. Mang, R. de Borst, and G. Meschke, editors, Computational Modelling of Conrete Structures- EURO-C-2010, Schladming/Rohromoss, Austria, 2010. Taylor & Francis.
V.P. Nguyen, O. Lloberas Valls, M. Stroeven, and L.J. Sluys. Homogenization- based multiscale crack modelling: from micro damage to macro cracks. In Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM, Paris, France, 2010.
V.P. Nguyen, M. Stroeven, and L.J. Sluys. On a micro-meso two-scale damage model for concrete. In E. Onaté, D.R.J. Owen, and B. Surez, editors, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS, Barcelonae, Spain, 2009.
Talks (8):
Material point methods. Lecture at All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) sponsored ATAL Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Numerical Methods for Engineering Structures: Fundamentals towards Applications”. pdf
Phase field fracture models. Lecture at All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) sponsored ATAL Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Numerical Methods for Engineering Structures: Fundamentals towards Applications”. pdf
Modelling multiple crack growth in brittle solids using a phase field fracture model, ACAM 9, UNSW, 2017. pdf
Isogeometric cohesive interface elements for 2D/3D delamination analysis. School of Engineering, Cardiff University, 2014. pdf
Cohesive interface elements. Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam, 2012. pdf
An introduction to isogeometric analysis. University of Adelaide, 2014. pdf
Finite element formulations for inelastic materials. Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam, 2012. pdf
Computational modeling of material failure. Hochiminh University of Architecture, 2012. pdf